Dr. Matthieu Ménard is the person responsible for the protection of personal information.
1352 rue Victoria,
Greenfield Park
J4V 1L9
LAW 25
Important information relating to the processing of your personal information at the Centre Dentaire Matthieu Ménard.
We generally collect your name, address, telephone, date of birth, email, information about your medical condition, dental insurance, etc.
The Centre Dentaire Matthieu Ménard keeps this information confidential and secure. Access to this information is limited and regulated.
We will only share information with your consent or when required by law.
This information is shared with IT service providers, healthcare professionals, insurers, and any other parties authorized by law.
Le Centre Dentaire Matthieu Ménard undertakes not to give, sell or rent your personal information to third parties.
Our collection methods
Personal information will be collected through a combination of online and paper forms, in-person interviews and any communications with staff.
Use of connection cookie
The clinic does not store any connection cookies (commonly known as “cookies”) permanently. Only a temporary connection cookie is used during your visit to our site in order to improve the performance of certain features present there.
You can deactivate your cookies through your web browser. However, this deactivation may have the effect of restricting certain functionalities present there.
Information security
We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. Despite this, no security mechanism can guarantee perfect protection and there will always be some residual risk.