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Tax credits for medical (and dental) expenses

Les frais dentaires sont des frais médicaux. Toutefois les traitements purement esthétiques ne sont pas admissibles.

Notez que les traitements d’orthodontie tel qu’Invisalign sont normalement admissibles. En effet, malgré son aspect esthétique ce type de traitement a bien d’autres fonctions sur la santé dentaire.

Voir la section Invisalign

Invisalign orthodontie

You must choose a reference period of 12 consecutive months ending in the year covered by your income tax return.

In order to maximize your tax credit, carefully choose the reference period and concentrate your medical expenses during this period. You must keep your receipts as proof of payment.

Tax credits for medical expenses are based on net income. You are also entitled to a tax credit for medical expenses of your spouse, children or other dependents. However, their net income must be taken into account.

In addition, when medical expenses are reimbursed by a private health insurance plan, the unreimbursed portion of the expense entitles you to a tax credit, as well as the taxable benefit added to your income from a health insurance plan from your employer.

Useful links :

Government of Canada

Government of Quebec

The information herein does not constitute a tax opinion. It is intended to inform you of the tax credits for medical expenses you may be entitled to. We advise you to consult a professional to maximize your tax credits.